Suffering From Irregular Menstrual Cycle? Find The Right Cause To Regulate Your Menstrual Cycle!
Irregular periods refers to a change in regular menstrual periods or menses.
Menses is a natural way of cleaning of the uterus and vagina of sperm and bacteria that are carried. A menstrual cycle is measured from the start of one menses to the start of another.
Mostly it ranges anywhere from 21 to 35 days. Every woman usually has a certain cycle length that is rather constant but sometimes varies 1-2 days per month.
Causes of Irregular Menstrual Cycle
The cause of irregular menstrual cycle is mostly related to stresses, tension, ingested medications and caffeine, a substance that disrupt corpus luteum function or even act as anticoagulant blood thinners.
Remember that fluctuation in periods indicates the beginning of disturbance in the natural chain of hormonal events that manage menstruation.
Cigarette smoking is another reason for abnormal menstrual cycles because it shortens the follicular phase. It also shortens the luteal phase if smoking is heavy. However, extreme alcohol intake is also a reason for irregular menstrual cycle.
The other common responsible factors for irregular menstrual cycle are:
significant weight gain or loss, over-exercise, breastfeeding, polycystic ovarian syndrome/estrogen dominance, poor nutrition, medications, chemotherapy eating disorders, hormonal imbalance, recent childbirth, miscarriage or uterine abnormalities (fibroids/cysts/polyps/endometriosis).
The occasional skipped menses cycle is not the only symptom of this problem. However, continued abnormality in period is also an indication of irregular ovulation and irregular menstruation cycle. If you notice this problem, then right away consult your gynecologist for appropriate treatment.
Treatment for Irregular Periods
Your gynecologist will refer to your medical history and conduct a physical examination. As irregular menstrual cycle is treated according to the cause, it is determined with a blood test, ultrasound and biopsy.
Often hormonal imbalance will be the major cause for irregular periods, which can be treated with appropriate drugs or hormones. Surgical removal of polyps or fibroids may also be done, if required.
Treatment for irregular periods is also based on your plan for children. If you decide to have pregnancy, then a hormonal contraceptive or supplement will be prescribed to regulate your menstrual cycles.
Never get tense regarding slight change or variation in your regular menstrual period. More than 50 percent of healthy women have the problem of Irregular menstrual cycle. However, consult your gynecologist if you are always with abnormal menstrual cycle.
When a woman drinks too much alcohol to the point where, among other things, it messes with her other bodily functions, it might be time to check into an alcohol treatment facility to avoid further damage.
原发性闭经如何用食疗 |
原发性闭经出现后,女性虽然一般没有不适的症状,不过通常会有原发性不孕,如果不能得到及时的治疗的话,这种疾病会导致一系列妇科疾病的产生,从而危害到女性的生殖健康。 调经祛淤甲鱼汤 甲鱼1只(大约500克左右就好),泽兰末25克,料酒少许。将甲鱼放锅内注入清水加盖,慢慢热至水滚,待甲鱼排尽尿液后,将其捞出除去肠杂,洗干净切块,放料酒、泽兰末、清水,入炖盅隔水炖2小时。 当归鸡蛋汤 当归9克,鸡蛋2个。将当归洗净切成片状,与鸡蛋同入瓦煲中加水3碗同煮,待蛋熟后去壳,用针在蛋周围刺10多个孔,放回煲中再煮15-20分钟即成。 桃仁牛血汤 桃仁10-12克,鲜牛血(血已凝固)200克。将牛血切块,与桃仁加清水适量馒汤,食时加食盐少许调味。 乌豆双红汤乌豆 黑豆50-100克,红花5克,红糖30-50克。将前沿2味置于炖盅内,加清水适量,隔水炖至乌豆熟透,去红花,放入红糖调匀。 |
继发性闭经饮食如何调理? |
关键字: |
闭经是妇科疾病中最常见的一种,可分为原发性和继发性。继发性是指来过正常的月经,因某种因素而又三个月或以下不来月经者。除了要积极的进行治疗外,在治疗时还是注意护理,这样才能有效的治疗。那么治疗继发性闭经时要注意什么?要注意以下几点: 1、肥胖者还应控制饮食,少吃甜食及含脂肪类丰富的食物,同时要采取各种有效措施来达到减肥的目的。 2、调整饮食习惯,不挑食、不偏食,多吃一些高蛋白食物,如蛋类、牛奶、瘦肉、鱼类、甲鱼、牡蛎、虾等以及蔬菜、水果,以保证足够的营养物质的摄入。 3、保持心情舒畅,避免精神紧张与不良刺激,以免气血紊乱,影响月经的正常来潮。适当地进行体育锻炼和体力劳动,以增强体质,保证气血的正常运行。 4、有些闭经患者经过身心调整或停服避孕药后,月经可自然恢复;有些闭经患者经用黄体酮、促排卵药等治疗后可恢复行经。 5、在继发性闭经患者的治疗中,积极治疗全身的急慢性疾病是治愈的关键,特别是胃肠道疾病、贫血及结核病等,以促进消化吸收,减少消耗。 继发性闭经出现后,应及时去医院检查,根据病史及体检、相关辅助检查、激素测定等,寻找闭经原因。治疗上根据不同原因给予相应处理。有些患者经过身心调整或停用避孕药后月经可自然恢复,有些患者经用黄体酮,人工周期以及促排卵治疗后可恢复。但是引起继发性闭经的原因很多,还是因为到医院进行检查之后,对症进行治疗是很重要的。 |
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